Pluto AI

No more scrolling through endless bookmarks

PlutoAI helps you save interesting stories and automatically organizes them using tags, and categories making it easy for you to revisit them later.


Go from messy bookmarks to organized collections

Never lose track of your saved articles ever again. Effortlessly, save, manage, and revisit
content — in one beautifully organized space.

Save stuff from the 
internet and find it fast

PlutoAI automatically organizes your saved content 
using tags and categories, making it easy to find 
them later.

Learn quickly with content highlights

PlutoAI automatically generates summaries 
and snippets for quick learning

Discover your reading 

Get insights about your reading habits, 
topics, time spent on content
valuable listening
hours, and more.

Share your favorite picks

Easily share your favorite content collections 
with family, friends, and colleagues.