What is Passthrough in VR? Understanding the Basics

Virtual Reality (VR) is no longer just about being completely immersed in a digital world—thanks to innovations
October 4, 2024

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Virtual Reality (VR) is no longer just about being completely immersed in a digital world—thanks to innovations like passthrough technology, users can now blend elements of the real world with virtual environments. Whether you're using it for safety, productivity, or even just to enhance your VR experiences, VR passthrough is a significant feature that many headsets now offer.

So, what is VR passthrough exactly, and how does it enhance your VR experience? In this blog, we’ll break down the concept of passthrough in VR, explain how it works, and explore the various applications it has in today’s cutting-edge devices.

What is VR Passthrough?

In simple terms, VR passthrough is a feature in virtual reality headsets that allows you to "see" the real world without having to remove the headset. This is done by using external cameras on the VR headset to capture the user's surroundings and display them inside the virtual environment. It’s a way to mix the real and virtual worlds, making it possible to quickly check your physical surroundings while remaining in VR.

Essentially, passthrough adds an extra layer of functionality to VR devices by creating a mixed reality passthrough environment, where users can interact with both digital and real elements.

VR Passthrough Explained: How Does It Work?

Now that you know what VR passthrough is, let’s explore how it works. Passthrough technology relies on the external cameras mounted on VR headsets, like the Meta Quest series. These cameras capture a video feed of the real world and project it inside the virtual environment. This real-world feed is then processed and displayed to the user as a grayscale or color image, depending on the quality of the cameras and the system's capability.

Unlike pure virtual reality, where users are entirely cut off from their surroundings, passthrough technology bridges the gap between VR and augmented reality (AR), allowing you to engage with your physical environment while staying connected to the virtual world.

For instance, the Meta Quest passthrough feature lets users see their room in real-time, making it easy to avoid obstacles or interact with objects like your keyboard or phone without needing to take off the headset. In many ways, passthrough enhances the usability of VR for tasks that require momentary awareness of your physical space.

Types of Passthrough in VR

Passthrough technology can vary in its implementation depending on the VR headset. Broadly, there are two main types of passthrough:

1. Grayscale Passthrough

Many early VR headsets, including the Meta Quest 1, implemented grayscale passthrough, where the user sees their real environment in black and white. While it's functional and allows for basic spatial awareness, it doesn’t provide as much detail as color passthrough. For example, you could see the general layout of your room, but finer details like color recognition wouldn’t be possible.

2. Color Passthrough

Newer devices, such as the Meta Quest Pro, feature color passthrough, which offers a far more immersive experience by displaying the real world in full color. This version of passthrough is more akin to augmented reality VR, as it provides a clearer and more realistic view of your surroundings, allowing for better interaction between the real and virtual worlds.

Color passthrough not only enhances the clarity of your surroundings but also paves the way for more complex mixed reality passthrough applications, where both virtual and real-world elements coexist seamlessly.

The Importance of Passthrough in VR

So why does passthrough technology matter? Initially, passthrough was introduced to improve the safety and practicality of VR headsets. When fully immersed in virtual reality, it’s easy to lose awareness of your surroundings, which can lead to collisions or other accidents. Passthrough gives users the ability to quickly glance at their physical environment without taking off the headset, preventing unwanted mishaps.

However, passthrough has evolved beyond safety. It’s now an essential tool in creating augmented reality VR experiences. Here are some of the key reasons passthrough is important in VR:

1. Safety and Convenience

One of the primary functions of passthrough is safety. When you're wearing a VR headset, it can be easy to bump into objects, trip over cords, or lose your sense of spatial awareness. Passthrough allows you to regain a quick view of your surroundings, preventing accidents. If you hear something fall or need to quickly grab an object in your physical space, passthrough enables you to do so without interrupting your VR experience.

2. Increased Productivity in VR

For users who spend extended periods of time in VR, particularly for work or productivity purposes, passthrough can be incredibly useful. With Meta Quest passthrough, for example, you can interact with your physical workspace without removing the headset. Want to quickly glance at your computer monitor or type on a physical keyboard? Passthrough makes these tasks possible while remaining immersed in VR.

3. Enhanced Mixed Reality Experiences

As mixed reality passthrough develops, the line between virtual and real is becoming increasingly blurred. Imagine playing a VR game where virtual elements interact with real-world objects in your room, or attending a virtual meeting where you can see both the digital avatars of your colleagues and your real desk setup. Passthrough technology makes this blend of physical and virtual possible, paving the way for more immersive experiences in both gaming and work environments.

Applications of Passthrough in VR

The integration of passthrough technology into VR has opened up many exciting possibilities. Here are some of the key areas where passthrough is being applied:

1. Gaming

One of the most obvious applications of passthrough is gaming. By allowing users to blend their real-world environment with virtual gameplay, passthrough enables a safer and more immersive experience. For example, you can engage in a fast-paced VR game without worrying about bumping into walls or furniture, thanks to the ability to quickly glance at your surroundings.

2. Productivity and Remote Work

Passthrough is also transforming how we think about remote work and productivity in VR. Headsets with advanced passthrough, like the Meta Quest 2, allow users to interact with real-world objects while working in a virtual environment. You can pull up virtual monitors while still being able to interact with a physical keyboard or notebook, offering a seamless blend of real and virtual workspace tools.

3. Fitness and Health

VR fitness apps are on the rise, and passthrough adds an extra layer of safety to these experiences. When exercising in VR, passthrough allows you to stay aware of your surroundings, so you don’t accidentally trip over objects while moving around your space.

4. Augmented Reality Experiences

By combining VR and augmented reality VR capabilities, passthrough enables users to overlay digital information or objects onto their physical world. This opens up countless possibilities for education, design, and entertainment, offering a new way to experience reality with added virtual enhancements.

Future of Passthrough Technology

As passthrough technology continues to develop, we can expect it to play an even bigger role in shaping VR and AR experiences. In the future, we may see more advanced mixed reality passthrough applications, where users can fully interact with both real and virtual elements simultaneously. Improvements in camera quality, processing power, and sensor technology will make passthrough smoother and more realistic, bringing us closer to true mixed reality.


Passthrough technology is revolutionizing the way we experience VR by combining the best aspects of the physical and virtual worlds. Whether you're using it for safety, productivity, or enhanced gameplay, VR passthrough opens up new possibilities for how we interact with technology. As devices like the Meta Quest continue to push the boundaries of augmented reality VR, the future of mixed reality passthrough looks incredibly promising.